Do i have any advice? DUH!!! Of course I do. Now let me just throw my little disclaimer out there. It's very easy to give advice than it is to follow ones own advice. ;-)
Okay, so where do i begin. Well first off. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love to hear when people are getting married. Its such a beautiful day and when two people love each other and decide to become one theres nothing like it. You're a team, you're a couple, you're committing to stick by one another in good, bad, sickness and in health. So I'm very happy for you (especially since you're a dear friend of mine ;-) )
I've listed below just a few topics that are very important in any relationship but especially marriage.
Communication- Communicate to your partner and not in a "you didnt do the dishes" nagging kind of way, I mean like "I know we're really busy when we get home, do you mind helping me with the dishes this evening so we can spend time together".
Trust-this is a BIGGIE. Trust extremely important. You cant live you're marriage and not trust your husband or wife. Never give the other person a reason not to trust you either, because once you do, then its EXTREMELY hard to get that trust back.
"It's better to be happy than right"- this is one of my favorite quotes. Basically this means pick your battles. Not everything is worth arguing over. Also if he or she insists that he or she is right on a topic or a matter, Stop and think about what you are both arguing about. Is it REALLY worth to keep arguing about. Let him or her win. Don't argue if its not worth it, because think about it, IF you when the argument, you have an upset husband or wife and then what? They're upset and no one really wins. BUT if you just let the other person win the argument and you can make them happy by just doing that, then do it and be happy too and hug and kiss and have great make up cough cough ;-).
One thing my mom always said that really sticks in my head is always let them think they are right. Now when she said this of course she was speaking about my dad, but it really works, i admit i have let this happen a time or two. Even if they are wrong, let them think they are right, no matter what. Let them brag to their friends about who does more in the house. Let them win an argument, let them make decisions even if you know its a wrong decision. Because at the end of the day, deep down, when its just you two at home, that's what it is "just you two" and between the both of you, deep down you know who is right.
Dont withhold "the cookie"- This is very important especially to men and these days to women as well. Having sex is great and healthy, it releases endorphins and what better way of doing that with the one you love. I mean how great is that. Try different moves, buy a cosmo magazine, go to a store together, try different rooms in the house (of course if you do this, make sure no kids are around). There's nothing wrong with doing that in a marriage. Never pushish your husband or wife by withholding "the cookie" from them. Not good. Every marriage needs a good healthy sex life. Don't be shy or embarrased. This is your husband or wife who respects you and loves you and trust me, if they respect you and love you they will only keep their sex life between the both of you.
WORK IT OUT!!!- Now i've mentioned this in a previous blog before. Don't be calling your girlfriends or facebooking or tweeting about your marriage or relationship drama on the "social network". WORK IT OUT! because all you do is cause more pain to the relationship. Example: Say you and your husband get mad then you go and tell all your peeps about it. THEN the next day you make up over the silly argument and have really great make up cough cough and you guys are good. So then all your friends should be good too. Right? WRONG!!! You're friends are bias and how could you forgive your husband blah blah blah. Now you got your friends against your husband even though you've forgiven and move on. Trust me, i've seen it a billion and 1 times. So dont share just WORK IT OUT!!!
Forgive- forgive, forgive, forgive! If its small, forgive, if they're sorry and it truly wasnt adultry, illegal, domestic violence or well you get the picture. Use your judgement on what you should argue or not argue about. Forgive, especially if both parties want the relationship to work, forgiveness is Key!!!!
of course there are different scenarios for every marriage. No marriage is alike and i could go on and on about advice, howevah, i'm not perfect either and neither are you. Just remember Marriage takes work from both parties and as long as you both are willing to "work" at it and respect each other, you should be fine. Congrats and Best wishes on your marriage!
Questions, comments, or would like to know how I'm so knowledgeable. hehe
Email me directly at
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a Fantabulous Day! Muuah!
I totally agree with pick your battles. I have been married 23 years and going strong. Also, never kick a person when they are down - that truly includes your husband/wife - remind them of why you love them and encourage them. Yes always be supportive - in good times and bad times. Also, never say bad things about each other’s parents. Remember, their parents are the ones that molded the one you love. Love their parents too. Of course you are not marrying them, but you are marrying into their family as well as your partner marrying into yours. Also, if you say you’re over it - then truly be over it and don't bring it up ever again. And if the other person tries to bring it up again, remind them that they are only hurting you by bring it up and it's just going to put the both of you in a bad place ("it" refers to; old flames, bad habits, embarrassing moments, a compliment that didn't quite come out as a complement, a time when your partner let you down and is now asking for forgiveness, etc...). Priscilla, you truly give some sound advice and advice I wish I would have been given before I got married or even in a relationship. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with dont bring it up again. Great point!!! Congrats on 23 years.