Wednesday, March 21, 2012

YOU ASKED WHY??? Let me tell you WHY???

signs of cheating men

Recently I had a woman call me and told me that her 40 year old boyfriend and her have been together for two years and in those two years, he's constantly been cheating on her.
To me this seemed like a no brainer. This is SIMPLE! So before I answer this question,I hope women already know the answer, so this blog shouldn't be too long.
The reason your man CONTINUES to cheat on you is because YOU KEEP LETTING HIM!!! HELLO!!! Remember the woman is in control. You have the power and as long as YOU continue to let him behave like that and keep taking him back. Remember this ladies the only time you can CHANGE a man is when he's in diapers. Don't even try to change a man at 40 years old. He is who he is and if he's cheating on  you now and your not even married, I have news for you honey, he's going to be cheating on you when he's married to you.
So I really do hope you see that your man is who he is and is not going to change for you. You're the one who has the say whether he stays or whether he goes. I'm glad you sought my advice but this was a no brainer.
My question to you is this, WHY do you allow this? Why do you disrespect yourself like this? You should love yourself more than you love him and respect yourself more than you respect him. If you love yourself, then you won't allow yourself to love a man who continues to disrespect you like this. Get out now! He's not going to change and if you stay, he will continue to cheat.
I wish you the best!

For questions or advice, please email me at

Friday, January 27, 2012

Why are celebrity marriages not lasting?

Well well, looks like everyone has the case of the "splitting up blues". What the heck? Whats going on?
        Patti Stanger from "Millionaire Matchmaker" states that the reason for the celebrity couples are splitting is due to "mars retrograde", which quite frankly I did not understand what this meant, however thanks to GOOGLE I now know. So thank you Google. For those of you who don't know. the simplest I can put it in layman's terms A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. "Mars fires your emotions and energizes your passions, but also powers your mental endeavours and communicative skills". It basically means that this is that becaus of this "mars retrograde" there will be a lot of disagreements, arguments, infidelity and unnormal activity with relationships and life issues. It doesnt mean, however, that these issues can't be worked out. I'm not a big astrology person, however I am a follwer of Patti Stanger and was curious on what the statement meant.       Moving on, I feel like maybe, JUST MAYBE, couples give up and if an issue arrises, instead of working on the issue, they instead bail. I find this so so sad. I mean, what happened to woking things out, "til death do us part" and all that mumbo jumbo.
      I feel very blessed to be part of a family where most of my relatives marriages have lasted more than 2, 3 , 10, hell even 25 and 50 years! And you know what? These were not perfect marriges, but you know what? They stuck it out and worked on it. Now again, I'm not talkin infidelity nor abuse. But I do have to say that there were infidelty issues with my grandparents, that my grandmother has discussed with us a few times and although sad, they stayed together until my grandfathers death which was over 50 yrs. My mom and my dad (who technically is my step father, but raised me since  was 2, so deservingly has the title "dad".) have been together going strong fo 26 years. Again, not perfect, but there has not been infidelity. Of course again, not perfect, when i was younger, I remember many arguments for different reasons. My parents were young, in their 20's . Still working on issues. I wont go into much into their personal issues. However, I do remember them ALWAYS working through it and because of their communication and respect for one another through the years, their relationship has matured and so have they. I remind my dad from time to time and he puts his head down and tells me, "what got us through everything is that your mom put up with my sh*t and I put up with hers". (his words, not mine) So why do people especially celebrties give up?

           In my personal opinion, its even harder when the media puts all your personal life out there especially relationship issues one is having with his or her partner and especially marriage isssues which should be private, but ofcourse that is what sells. So not only does the celebrity couple have to deal with the spouse they also have to deal with the media and their perception. There is so much pressure to be the "perfect celebrity couple" that this could cause stress sometimes and maybe they focus to much on portraying that image instead of working on the marriage.
            Ways to work on the marriage could be counseling, marriage retreats or talking to their pastor, priest. Do somthing, but dont just give up. Marriage takes a lot of WORK! 24/7 kind of stuff.
              My advice is to dont care what others think and put your marriage and Partner first, because that is the commitment that you made to each other. And if you are a religious person, like myself, please don't forget God!  At least Try!!!!



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The big "D" and No i don't mean Dallas!

It doesn’t matter if you've been married for 1 month, 1 year, 10 years or 20 years..... Divorce is HARD! AND unless you've been divorce, you do not know how it feels. It’s a feeling of mixed emotions. Depending on the situation, it can be relief, sadness, it can feel like a part of you has died, hurt, regret, depressed and everything else that I missed.
Now to come to this decision I believe that the couple has done EVERYTHING in the power to make it work including therapy, workshops, meeting with the priest.........WHATEVER IT IS, just as long as they tried. If it’s a situation with abuse and murder, well that's for Jerry Springer.
I used to be a wedding coordinator and the most beautiful thing to see is a couple uniting because they WANT to. I never witnessed a wedding for "have to" reasons. When you commit for better and worse and in sickness and in health, THATS MAJOR! You need to take that serious!!!! Also no adultery! No adultery! Marriage is not easy, it takes lots of work, so when you see people after 25 years headed towards divorce, and I think that sad. I mean all those years together then you sign the papers and boom it’s over.
But only those two people know why it didn’t work or why they didn’t want to try anymore.
It’s tough, because when you make the decision it’s not only those two people that are involved. It’s all of the family too. They have also loved both people and the children. Children may feel lost or may not understand why or how come. I'm not an advocate for divorce, however I have been divorced and God knows I tried even against my parents wishes; I tried and tried until there was no more to try for.
The best thing to do during a divorce is to surround yourself around supportive people, don’t date other people while going through the divorce especially during the beginning stages. Cry....its okay too, if you have children, I don’t suggest crying in front of them, is strong for them. They NEED you so be strong for them. Seek counseling if needed. It’s very helpful and very healthy while grieving. Do not share too much information if you can avoid it. The last thing you need is drama and the whole town talking about you and that's why I think counseling would be best, because you can share information and it would be confidential. If you have a friend or family going through a divorce, be supportive. If you haven’t been through divorce yourself, don’t judge. Try to understand even if you don’t. Be a shoulder to cry on, because they may not want to talk, they just may want to cry. Remember, they lost their partner in LIFE the one they said forever to. It’s like they lost part of their identity because everything they did was for them and for their family. When you marry, you include the others feelings always in any decision. So when that has been loss it’s like someone died or maybe something has died inside of them.
Every divorce is different; no one divorce is the same as the other accept for the feelings involved.
Again I don’t wish Divorce on anyone but if you've been through it or are going through it, know that you’re not alone and you'll always have support.
Thanks for reading my blog~

Questions, comments, or would like to know how I'm so knowledgeable. hehe
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 Have a Fantabulous Day! Muuah!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Going to the Chapel

Question:  I've been with my love for 6 years. The first 3 years of our relationship was rocky and the last 3 have been great and he proposed and now i'm getting married to him this weekend. Any advice?

Do i have any advice? DUH!!! Of course I do. Now let me just throw my little disclaimer out there. It's very easy to give advice than it is to follow ones own advice. ;-)
Okay, so where do i begin. Well first off. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love to hear when people are getting married. Its such a beautiful day and when two people love each other and decide to become one theres nothing like it. You're a team, you're a couple, you're committing to stick by one another in good, bad, sickness and in health. So I'm very happy for you (especially since you're a dear friend of mine ;-) )
I've listed below just a few topics that are very important in any relationship but especially marriage.
Communication- Communicate to your partner and not in a "you didnt do the dishes" nagging kind of way, I mean like "I know we're really busy when we get home, do you mind helping me with the dishes this evening so we can spend time together".
Trust-this is a BIGGIE. Trust extremely important. You cant live you're marriage and not trust your husband or wife. Never give the other person a reason not to trust you either, because once you do, then its EXTREMELY hard to get that trust back.
"It's better to be happy than right"- this is one of my favorite quotes. Basically this means pick your battles. Not everything is worth arguing over. Also if he or she insists that he or she is right on a topic or a matter, Stop and think about what you are both arguing about. Is it REALLY worth to keep arguing about. Let him or her win. Don't argue if its not worth it, because think about it, IF you when the argument, you have an upset husband or wife and then what? They're upset and no one really wins. BUT if you just let the other person win the argument and you can make them happy by just doing that, then do it and be happy too and hug and kiss and have great make up cough cough ;-).
One thing my mom always said that really sticks in my head is always let them think they are right. Now when she said this of course she was speaking about my dad, but it really works, i admit i have let this happen a time or two. Even if they are wrong, let them think they are right, no matter what. Let them brag to their friends about who does more in the house. Let them win an argument, let them make decisions even if you know its a wrong decision. Because at the end of the day, deep down, when its just you two at home, that's what it is "just you two" and between the both of you, deep down you know who is right.
Dont withhold  "the cookie"- This is very important especially to men and these days to women as well. Having sex is great and healthy, it releases endorphins and what better way of doing that with the one you love. I mean how great is that. Try different moves, buy a cosmo magazine, go to a store together, try different rooms in the house (of course if you do this, make sure no kids are around). There's nothing wrong with doing that in a marriage. Never pushish your husband or wife by withholding "the cookie" from them. Not good. Every marriage needs a good healthy sex life. Don't be shy or embarrased. This is your husband or wife who respects you and  loves you and trust me, if they respect you and love you they will only keep their sex life between the both of you.
WORK IT OUT!!!- Now i've mentioned this in a previous blog before. Don't be calling your girlfriends or facebooking or tweeting about your marriage or relationship drama on the "social network". WORK IT OUT! because all you do is cause more pain to the relationship. Example: Say you and your husband get mad then you go and tell all your peeps about it. THEN the next day you make up over the silly argument and have really great make up cough cough and you guys are good. So then all your friends should be good too. Right? WRONG!!! You're friends are bias and how could you forgive your husband blah blah blah. Now you got your friends against your husband even though you've forgiven and move on. Trust me, i've seen it a billion and 1 times.  So dont share just WORK IT OUT!!!
Forgive- forgive, forgive, forgive! If its small, forgive, if they're sorry and it truly wasnt adultry, illegal, domestic violence or well you get the picture. Use your judgement on what you should argue or not argue about. Forgive, especially if both parties want the relationship to work, forgiveness is Key!!!!

of course there are different scenarios for every marriage. No marriage is alike and i could go on and on about advice, howevah, i'm not perfect either and neither are you. Just remember Marriage takes work from both parties and as long as you both are willing to "work" at it and respect each other, you should be fine. Congrats and Best wishes on your marriage!
Questions, comments, or would like to know how I'm so knowledgeable. hehe
Email me directly at
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a Fantabulous Day! Muuah!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jersey Day

So apparently now Thursdays are considered "Jersey Day". If you are a fan there is no explanation needed. For you not in the "reality TV World", this simply means that Jersey Shore will be on.
K, so before the season ends, I must give my two cents in about how I feel about Sammi and Ronnie. I have one word to describe this relationship "TOXIC". Ugh. This couple needs to break up and stay broken up. It’s not healthy to be in a jealous, sneaky, "shady" relationship. Move on.
I know it’s easy to say rather than do, but seriously this relationship needs to be DONE!
Sammi and Ronnie have had issues since day one and let me tell your relationship starts bad, it’s very rare that it gets better and basically Sammi and Ronnie is a ticking bomb. They'll eventually break up and we all know it, BUT WHEN?
Their relationship is a perfect example of what a relationship should NOT be like. I mean, when they are together, they are obviously not themselves and Ronnie always seems upset when they stay in and don’t go out with everyone else. This is NOT how a relationship should be people. Even if you don’t want to go with your guy or gals friends, GO. This is part of the relationship is being supportive and being there for the one you care about. Being social with your partners friends is the key. No one likes their friends not to like their significant other, because that just makes things awkward and uncomfortable for all parties involved.
Jealousy. (a big NO NO) Love is not jealous. So when they say "I love you" is not a jealous free " I love you".  In order for a relationship to be healthy there should be no jealousy. I know i know easy to say hard to do huh. Well if you really care and love that person TRY, TRY really hard, becaus its worth it. In Sammi and Ronnies case, they both have broken each others trust by going out and "talking, making out with other peeps. Not good. So for them if they WANT to stay together, they need to leave the past in the past (after all they chose to forgive one another RIGHT?) and MOVE on. YEA RIGHT!!! that wont happen with them.
Howevah, for us normal people in non reality tv world its Hard, like REALLY hard to move on and leave the past in the past, however its Necessary to leave all the betrayals behind IF you want to stay together.
So the moral of this blog is PLEASE PLEASE avoid a "Sammi and Ronnie" relationship. Its not healthy. Be healthy!

Questions, comments, or would like to know how I'm so knowledgeable. hehe
Email me directly at
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a Fantabulous Weekend! Muuah!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Oooh "La La"


"Hello, my name is Priscilla and I'm addicted to reality TV". Yes, I admit, I’m a reality TV Junkie from Teen Mom, all the housewives cities and of course every reality show that includes couples is my addiction. Sue me!
Well here we have yes ANOTHER reality TV show "La La's Full Court Life" premieres August 2011........a spin off from "La La's Full Court wedding. So for those of you not familiar with who La La Vasquez is, she is Puerto Rican MTV's VJ who has also recently wed the famous half black, half Puerto Rican Carmelo Anthony who now plays for the New York Knicks BABY!!! (My second favorite basketball team). cough cough.
The reason I like this couple is because they are the most "REAL" peeps I’ve seen on reality TV in a LONG BEEEEP time. FINALLY!!! A normal couple!
Just to give you some background-Yes the little boy is theirs. Lala is a hardworking woman who started off in radio and then worked hard as a VJ on MTV and other movie ventures and hosting gigs. She is a very busy woman! She and Carmelo have been an item since well I don’t recall exact dates but it’s been for EVAH and they've been engaged since 2004 and wed last summer 2010.  But the wedding was worth the wait, they had an immaculate ceremony and I just couldn’t be happier for them. What I liked in La La's full court wedding is that they had a barbecue for the rehearsal dinner. YUMMY!!!
Now why must I go on and on? WELL   .......................      
Like all couples, they've gone through A LOT of trials and tribulations but they've stuck with each other through it all and that is a team. The best advice that I loved during the wedding is when one of Carmelo’s buddies stood up and said "I don’t want NO phone calls, NO text messages, NO emails, just WORK IT OUT! “ When he said that I was like YES!!!! Someone finally said it. Too many people just want to give up and throw in the towel and let the relationship DIE of that deadly disease......the big "C".........No, not Cancer, but COMMUNICATION. Tell them you love them, tell them what bothers you, and tell them what you love about them. TELL THEM!! COMMUNICATE PEOPLE and WORK IT OUT. lol
So will Lala and Carmelo make it? Only the dude up above knows, however I sure hope so. After all those years of being engaged, having a baby and Carmelo’s drug incidences (that's another blog), marriage should be like a piece of cake for them. Right? lol good Luck on your show and your marriage LaLa. I'll be watching and I hope you watch too. Besitos!

Quote: The Worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.-Jessica Brumley
Questions, comments, or would like to know how I'm so knowledgeable. hehe
Email me directly at
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a Fantabulous Weekend! Muuah!